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The office chair: From employee health and wellbeing to motivation and retention

An element less often addressed in materials about workplace wellness and employee motivation and retention strategies, the chair is more than an object of immediate utility – it makes a significant difference to happy and healthy employees.


We discussed the importance of a high-performance office chair with one of the most experienced local specialists in the field, Architect Andrei Angelescu, Head of Architecture & Design at COS, a provider of integrated fit-out services and a pioneer of this segment in Romania. COS sells exclusively in Romania Steelcase furniture solutions, the global leader in office furniture.


A Steelcase study shows a significant drop over the last 3 years in employee satisfaction with work-life balance – from 71% to 59% between 2021 and 2023.


The study, which analyzed the responses of more than 60,000 employees in 11 countries in organizations of varying sizes, concludes that they are aware of the factors that affect their well-being and productivity in the office. Respondents say they feel more comfortable working from home (40%), have a better working environment (24%), find the office environment stressful (25%), can’t concentrate (20%) and lack privacy (21%). In this context, leaders understand that to get employees to return to the office, they need to offer a superior workspace to the home.


What matters most for employees


Employees need spaces and furnishings that support their work efficiency, collaboration, and well-being, says Arh. Andrei Angelescu, Head of Architecture & Design at COS, cited the results of the same study. “When we talk about the 8 hours spent in an office, the employee’s needs are, first and foremost, related to their physical and emotional health. Back pain, depression, and anxiety at work translate, in the long term, into huge costs for employers and have become public health problems. This is why ergonomic furniture adaptable to individual needs is becoming essential for companies”, adds the COS representative.


In addition, the Steelcase study reveals that employees who feel that their needs are taken into account in the design and layout of their office show 22% higher satisfaction and well-being than those whose needs are not taken into account. This translates into more satisfied and loyal employees.


The right office chair makes a difference


According to public statistics, back pain is second only to the common cold as a reason for going to the doctor and is caused by a variety of factors, including a sedentary lifestyle and incorrect posture while working at the office. Today, at least 8 out of 10 people experience back pain at some point in their lives that requires a visit to the doctor, and according to expert opinion, this is the main cause of reduced mobility and absence from work.


“This is why seating is of major importance not only from a workspace design point of view but also for the health of employees. Some companies involve their employees in a rigorous process of testing future chairs they will use in the workspace. Essentially, employees are given a certain amount of time to look at the seating models the company plans to purchase, test them and provide feedback to the employer on the proposed designs. Spending 8 hours a day in a chair is a matter of health, and this is a practical way to take employees’ needs into account,” says Arh. Andrei Angelescu.


But how do you choose the right office chair? Steelcase, an international leader in furniture for over 100 years, with extensive experience in manufacturing and innovation, outlines the essential aspects of a chair:

  • Ergonomics – the ability to adjust the chair to the needs and preferences of each individual to comfortably and correctly support the posture, minimize the risks of stress and musculoskeletal injuries associated with prolonged sitting;
  • Simple adjustments ease of use for any user;
  • Performance materials – using materials that do not contain toxic or volatile substances and contribute to a healthier environment;
  • Style and design – this includes both aesthetics and design for the way people work in the office;
  • Sustainability – materials that are environmentally friendly and perform in the long term.


Why the office chair is an investment, not a cost


“In the local market, there has been a trend in recent years to invest in high-performance chairs. More and more employers are realizing the importance of the office chair and the direct causal relationship between office furniture and employee performance, well-being and ultimately, employee retention”, says Arh. Andrei Angelescu.


Thus, a high-performance office chair, according to COS and Steelcase, is in the price range of 350-550 EUR (a basic office chair), 550-800 EUR (a mid-range high-performance chair) and 800-1200 euro (an ultra high-performance office chair).


On the Romanian market, Steelcase offers the longest warranty period for chairs (12 years), which makes the investment more profitable in the long term. Steelcase products are distinguished by their advanced ergonomics, ease of use and high-quality materials, which not only extend the life of the chair but also contribute to a healthy environment.


Testing the office chair before you buy


Testing office chairs before purchase is a good and effective way to avoid long-term costs associated with employee discomfort. It is also an opportunity to actively listen to their needs and involve them in the workspace design process, according to COS and Steelcase.


“The seat is essential and significantly impacts the user’s health. That is why we always recommend testing the chair for a few days at the customer-company premises and evaluating the experience based on a set of predefined criteria”, emphasizes Arh. Andrei Angelescu.


A top player in the segment of complete interior design solutions for workspaces, COS signs some of the most important office projects in Romania, and the company’s activity has a total volume of over 2,850 clients and more than 20,000 projects, in sectors such as telecom, IT, pharmaceutical, professional services, financial – banking, industrial and others.

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