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Platinum Partner - 2017


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The Embodied Beauty™ collection. Interface’s first carbon negative carpet tiles.

The Embodied Beauty™ collection is designed to lower the carbon footprint of your space with style. The collection features a range of carpet tile designs, including our first-ever carbon negative products in three unique styles: Shishu Stitch, Tokyo Texture, and Zen Stitch.

The collection lives up to its name and shows that the pursuits of beautiful design and sustainability are inseparable. In addition to the three cradle-to-gate carbon negative styles, as part of our commitment to Climate Take Back™, all of the styles that are featured within the collection are carbon neutral across their full product life cycle.

Inspired by nature. Designed to respect it.

Taking influence from nature and an appreciation for the integrity of the natural world around us, the Embodied Beauty collection shows that great design doesn’t have to compromise on the pursuit of sustainability. 

All of the products within the Embodied Beauty collection are carbon neutral across their full product life cycle with products that are carbon negative (cradle to gate) marked with [-CO2].

The inspiration behind Embodied Beauty

Ikigai, a “reason for being,” is a Japanese concept related to well-being and happiness through connection with others and with nature. Ikigai teaches appreciation for simplicity and acceptance of what is impermanent.

Inspired by these principles, Embodied Beauty focuses on bringing new life to the expected.

The collection embraces calm, muted greys in warm and cool tones alongside natural colours for added dimension. Simple Sash, Sashiko Stitch, and Vintage Kimono evoke the delicate beauty of antique textiles and make ideal companions for Zen Stitch with its irregular gridded texture. Geisha Gather is a modern, woven graphic that invites you to create your own zen-like patterns. Tokyo Texture and Shishu Stitch take notes from nature with organic texture and soft, subtle striae.

We’re transforming carbon into beautiful flooring

Humanity has put too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, causing global warming. Which in turn is a cause of climate change.

Nature has always had a way of managing the amount of carbon in our atmosphere by storing it in the plants and trees that cover our planet. However, as human activity releases more and more carbon dioxide, the natural world is struggling to keep up. So why create products that contribute to this problem and do more harm than good? 

Taking our cue from nature, we’ve learned to work with carbon by using it as a building block to engineer better products. This journey has led us to create products that store carbon, keeping it locked in a material, and kept out of the atmosphere.

Get in touch with a COS Consultant to request a Brochure or a sample from the latest Embodied Beauty collection by Interface.

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