2025 © COS. Proudly Crafted by Quart Creative Agency.
Platinum Partner - 2017


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COS presents the carpet of the future today: Conscient, the most air-friendly carpet on the market

We present you Conscient. The ground breaking carpet tile from Interface that actually improves the air you breathe. Its innovative construction makes it the most air-friendly carpet tile on the market, as it emits virtually zero volatile organic compounds. Therefore your indoor air quality is not altered and there is even more to the Conscient carpet: it actually makes air better. The unique composition is designed to capture fine dust and retain it its coarse yarn until it can be vacuumed up.


Conscient is all about revolutionary earth-conscious qualities as it is about modern style and beautiful design, inspired by natural elements. Versatility, urban elegance and positivity are qualities that also recommend Conscient as a great flooring choice for workspaces designed for success.

COS brings to Romania only selected concepts and products that reflect the most advanced tendencies in office design and furniture. We start from the belief that workspaces need to mirror the companies’ core values and culture. Conscient from Interface, the newest addition to our premium range of flooring solutions also reflects an authentic concern for the wellbeing of the employees and positively influences business attitudes.

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