The Mindful Office Event – Bucharest, Romania

The Mindful Office topic was presented last month in Bucharest. A succesful event, celebrating the launch of the 2015 Global Collections from Interface: Equal Measure, Narratives, Near & Far, brought our customers and influencers closer to our knowledge and insights around focusing at work and biophilic design.
What does The Mindful Office mean?
With increased digital connectivity through access to emails, social media, the Internet and all the other distractions that are commonplace in office environments – other people’s conversations, phones ringing, and the sound of passing traffic – we are increasingly finding it impossible to focus on the task at hand. So the question we wanted to answer during the evening was: How do we create working environments that help employees stay focused, perform better and be happy in the same time?
Two special guests from our partners Interface and Steelcase have inspired the audience, sharing relevant research results, insights and also from their experience, engaging the invitees in meanigful and valuable conversations.
Zoe Humphries, Senior Workplace Consultant for Steelcase brought to audience attention a hot topic: privacy in the workplace, and its direct effect on worker engagement and satisfaction. She revealed from Steelcase global study new concepts about how privacy can be achieved through workplace design, in order to amplify the performance of individuals, teams and entire enterprises.
Oliver Heath – a prominent thinker in the architecture industry and owner of Heath Design Ltd – has shared the Interface’s recent Human Spaces report, which revealed that employees who work in environments with natural elements experience higher levels of productivity and creativity which improves their wellbeing.
Everyone in the room agreed that we are on the edge of an Office Renaissance because the way we work has changed and so has the concept of the office space, which is undergoing a process of transformation.
More than 120 guests –architects, business people and journalists interested in the newest concepts in the workplace enjoyed an inspiring evening full of surprises, fun and good discussions.
“We are delighted to have you here, at the Mindful Event. We’ve been in this industry for 18 years and we know we could always count on your trust and support. I want to give a very special thank you to our guests from Steelcase and Interface who have joined us tonight. I will let them share with you the latest trends and research regarding the workplace.” said Christophe Weller, Managing Partner at COS.
“Thank you for inviting us to such an inspiring and exciting event. The content of the presentations was highly valuable and I am looking forward to receiving more knowledge from them. Also, I was really happy to exchange thoughts with your special guest speakers” Beatrice Joger, Vice-Rector for Image and International Cooperation, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest.
Visit our Facebook page for more pictures from the event.