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Carbon Neutral Floors. All Interface products. Carbon Neutral.

Design with the climate in mind

Global warming impacts all of us and we know it’s important to you too. That’s why Interface Carbon Neutral Floors™ help you to lower your carbon footprint with one positive step.
When you will buy Interface carpet from us, they we’ll be able to calculate your floor’s carbon neutral credentials, providing exact contribution to reducing global warming.
Interface estimates that in 2018, they will purchasing more than 400,000 metric tons of carbon offsets, equivalent to the carbon sequestered annually by nearly half a million acres of forest. That’s two-thirds of Yosemite National Park in California or two times the size of New York City.

Interface journey to carbon neutral floors

They’ve done the math and they know the impact that Interface flooring has on our planet, whether carpet tile or LVT. Since 1994, they’ve been leading the industry to reduce the carbon footprint of our products.
They’ve reduced their our greenhouse gas emissions of their plants by 96% and reduced the carbon footprint by over 60% – to become the lowest in the industry.

Embodied carbon

For any building it’s not just heating and cooling buildings that adds to carbon emissions, but also the materials and processes used to create them. And that includes flooring products. So reducing this ‘embodied carbon’ is the most urgent challenge of all.

Interface has achieved this by:

  • Changing how they design and make things, reducing their footprint by over 60%
  • Balancing what they still can’t avoid with carbon offsets that supports renewable energy, fuel switching and reforestation to keep carbon in nature and out of the atmosphere

Join Interface Climate Take Back and find out how you can reduce the carbon footprint with just one positive step.

Source of article: Interface

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